You can exchange €10 Clubcard voucher(s) to get €20 off your SSE Airtricity bill.
Customers can enjoy a total of €60 worth of Reward partner code/s applied to their SSE Airtricity energy account per calendar year, January 01 to December 31.
Just €10 in Clubcard vouchers will get you €20 off your gas and electricity bill. What's more switch to SSE Airtricity for your electricity and gas, and you'll receive 10% off unit rates plus a €300 Tesco Gift Card*. That's a powerful saving.
What you need to knowOffer open to SSE Airtricity electricity or dual fuel bill-pay customers only, in ROI.
Offer is redeemable with €10 of Clubcard vouchers to exchange via Clubcard Rewards into a €20 Reward Partner code to be redeemed with SSE Airtricity off your energy bill.
You must be a member of SSE Rewards to redeem your Reward Partner code:
If you are already a member of SSE Reward, go to SSE Tesco token - redeem to enter your code.
If you are not already a member of SSE Reward, you can register at SSE Reward Registration using your SSE Airtricity account number to redeem your Reward Partner code.
Once the code has been confirmed redeemed by SSE Reward, you will receive a confirmation email, and the credit will be applied to your SSE Airtricity Energy account within the next 30 days.
A maximum of three €10 Clubcard vouchers, equating to a total value of €60 in Reward Partner codes can be redeemed by any one accountholder with SSE Airtricity in one calendar year which runs from 1st January to 31st December. These can be redeemed together or over the course of the year as long as they are in date.
Each Reward Partner code is valid for 6 months, the expiry date is printed on the email sent by Tesco.
*Offer applies to new domestic customers, ROI only, who sign up to Direct Debit and eBill for the 1-year home electricity and gas 10% discount & €300 Tesco Gift Card or 1-year home electricity only 10% discount & €200 Tesco Gift Card. Rates valid from 1 July 2024, rates subject to change. †Estimated Annual Bill includes unit rate, standing charge & government levies, VAT. Full details of rates, standing charges, exit fees and T&Cs at
†EAB €2,836.25
Each Reward Partner code is valid for 6 months and is printed on the Tesco Reward code email.
Offer valid from 7 November 2023 and is open to SSE Airtricity electricity or dual fuel bill-pay customers only, in ROI.
Reward Partner code/s may not be redeemed for cash.
SSE Reward general terms and conditions apply.
The usual and Clubcard rewards terms and conditions apply.